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Dear Mrs. Chapman 


Jack Kirby or Jacob Kurtzberg. The man who captured the hearts and imaginations of the kids of the 1940's and onwards with his amazing drawings of famous, iconic superheroes in their first appearances. From teaming up with Stan Lee to make comics for Marvel, to drawing comics at DC and then coming back to Marvel. Wherever he went, his dynamic, creative, lively drawings went with him.  


‘A notable person is someone who has a positive influence on our lives and the progress of humanity'. This is the definition of Jack Kirby and his work. Without him Pop culture wouldn't be what it is today. Techniques like the 'Kirby krackle' was when Jack Kirby would draw groups of black dots to define cosmic energy or cosmic nature. It was simple, but effective. This technique was used a lot in stories that are located in space e.g. 'Silver Surfer' (a character in the marvel universe). Sadly though, many people forget who Jack Kirby is. But that's why I'd like to research him more and present him and his work as a notable person so more people can see and understand the man behind the comic book. 


To end, Jack Kirby brought the boring comic strips in a newspaper back from the dead. A pantheon of well-known comic book superheroes like Captain America, The Hulk and Fantastic Four look like what they do because of Jack Kirby. It's why we call  Jack 'the king' Kirby and why we call the 1930's-1950's, the "Golden age of comics". So, when you go home today, be sure to stop by a place that sells comics and pick one up to see how Jack Kirby has influenced the fun comics of today. 


Yours Sincerely, Ethan 

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