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Open-End Questions

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question mark.jfif

How did being Jewish effect your career? 


You may know the comic books 'fantastic four'. But what you might not know is that I always saw "the thing" as a Jewish but I never confirmed it to the public. I also wrote 3 drawings depicting what I think is god but ,that also, I kept to only myself which was pretty rare for me as I like to share my artwork. And I've done much more things to do with gods like with my trilogy of "god work". Comics such as Thor and how it brings up the fact about Ragnarök which is the end of the gods and when I moved to DC, I worked on "New Gods" which starts off with showing the old gods dying which I called a "holocaust". Then, when I moved back to marvel I worked on "The Eternals" which is when the old gods return to judge the new ones. Focusing on the new gods and eternal characters, the gods in new gods are depicted from the Hebrew scriptures though their names are changed a little. And the eternals gods are depicted from Greek gods with tweaked names. 


What was your technique in drawing? 


I would draw characters like they were leaping through their panels like an arm or a leg to show a sense of motion and following the viewer's eyes from panel to panel through still drawings. A torso or a part of the body would have speed lines to show depiction of speed. Sometimes I would make feet or arms or a head to have perspective.  


How did comic book drawing translate into animation? 


When Hana-Barbera was making a new cartoon based on the Fantastic Four comics, they sought out me for the "Kirby look" which became an iconic art style. So I worked on Fantastic Four... again but as a cartoon. Animation also translated to Comics too. Like how I was an in-betweener for animation which helped my art when I moved to comics and started to use speed lines and show movement and dynamics in still drawings 


Where did you learn to draw? 


I learnt to draw in art school and from 'how-to' books when i was young. But I learnt to draw better when I left art school and I had no official teacher so I had to seek out for anything I could find. From cartoon figures to newspaper strips. These were the building blocks of what my style looks like now. 


How did people think of you? 


People thought of my art as the main style for comic book art. People started to think of my art as the style for comics. Even Stan had people draw more like my style Thus, the moniker Jack 'the king' Kirby was born. 

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